Faith-Inspiring Art For Your Home!

Emily Carruth Fuller

Raised in an environment that fostered creativity, Emily began her passion for art at an early age. This love for creating carried her to study at Brigham Young University where she earned her BFA in Studio Arts. 

Emily achieved a life-long dream by studying abroad in Italy and followed that experience with a two and a half year apprenticeship studying with Jeff Hein. After completing her studies, she opened her studio where she currently paints and teaches.

Her involvement with the local art community includes a year of service on the executive board for the Inspirational Art Association. She also co-created a first-of-its-kind exhibit titled "Certain Women". This biennial event showcases and amplifies the voices of female artists within her religious community
. After being heavily involved in its establishment and groundbreaking initial show, she handed the responsibilities to other artists. She paints and teaches regularly working to add meaning to the lives of those who view her work or spend time in her studio. Other show ideas are brewing and she enjoys looking for ways to collaborate with those around her.  

Emily loves exploring relationship and spiritual themes. As you will see, her art often follows this focus.

Thank you for your interest in Emily and her work! This is a small business and even your visit to this site makes a difference.  

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